Project to alleviate Budapest housing crisis, 27.08.21 – Budapest Housing Agency may start its operation as soon as in 2022 to increase the pool of council properties available for rent and alleviate the housing crisis of the capital. The project is jointly run by the Municipality of Budapest, the Utcáról Lakásba Egyesület and Városkutatás Kft. with the help of international partners like the Municipal Institute of Housing and Renovation in Barcelona and Habitat for Humanity Poland. At first, the Agency would expand the pool of council housing by private rental properties. Apart from the approximately 3700 vacant municipal and district council apartments there are many unused private residential properties in Budapest. These would be rented by the Agency below market price from willing owners who would be exempt from personal income tax in return and would also be freed from the expenses and risks of renting a property. At a later stage the project would include vacant council homes, too, and, provided that the Agency can drum up EU or government funding, it would buy or construct residential units to expand the affordable pool of council housing of the capital.